Jungle Animal Finger Puppets

Technique - Sewing

These adorable felt finger puppets are simple to make! They're stitched entirely by hand, using a whip stitch around the felt edges, a stem stitch for the zebra stripes, a straight stitch for the monkey and tiger muzzles, and French knots for the eyes (a diagram is included for the French Knot and stem stitch). Instructions are included to make a monkey, tiger, elephant, giraffe and zebra, along with a fabric carrying case (sample case is stitched by machine but it can be completed by hand). The puppets are made from scraps of felt, buttons and ribbons (a combination of acrylic and wool felt was used for samples). Felt circles or pompoms can be used in place of buttons.

Size: Approximately 3" x 3", each.

Skill Level: Beginner What's this?

Download Size: 8 page(s)

RES0338 $3.99

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