Nine Spring Felt Animal Softies

Technique - Sewing

Customer Favorite!These adorable animals are stitched entirely by hand, using a whipstitch around the felt edges and straight stitches for details on the faces. Instructions are included to make a pig, chick, frog, dog, cow, sheep, bunny, chicken and cat. The animals may be made with or without the pockets. The only materials you will need are felt, sewing thread/embroidery floss and polyester stuffing. Optional materials are a small fabric rectangle if you are making a pocket (or a felt rectangle can be substituted for the fabric) and fabric glue. Enlarge or reduce patterns to make animals different sizes. For safety reasons, enlarge heart for children ages 3 and under.

Size: Approximately 7" x 7 1/2" each.

Skill Level: Beginner What's this?

Download Size: 6 page(s)

RES0238 $4.99

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